
Showing posts from December, 2013

The Best Decision I Have Ever Made

Today I celebrate 32 years of marriage to Ruby Frazier.   She is the love of my life.   Ruby and I got married at 19, totally naive and optimistic about life.   Looking back I can say it was the best decision I have ever made.   I eventually became a man and she a woman.   We grew up together and jointly experienced the changes that adulthood and life brought about in our personalities.   Today we have 4 incredible daughters, a granddaughter on the way, a beautiful home in Riverside, CA and great businesses and careers that we are both passionate about.          None of this would have been possible without Ruby being a devoted mother, businesswoman and role model for our daughters.  She sacrificed her dreams to make my dreams and our kids’ dreams a reality.  As a family we owe her everything.  We have one more child at home and soon she will be off to college.  Her three older sisters all have MBAs ...

Nelson Mandela - Faithful Servant, Courageous Warrior, God Lover and Peace Maker

The former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, passed on to glory today.  Mark this day in your calendar for it is the day that the world will never be same again.  An incredible icon and legacy of greatness and service to mankind has left us and the void will not soon be filled.  He has fought a good fight and has kept the faith in spite of the unimaginable challenges that he faced and overcame in his life.  After risking his life and the life of his family, imprisoned for years and sacrificing everything, he brought an end to apartheid, and liberated 34 million South African people socially and politically.  He went on to become a statesman not just for South Africans but for all people everywhere living under the tyranny of oppression and racism.  He is a champion of justice and freedom. Today he has achieved the highest office that any man or woman can achieve in life, and that is to be in the presence of God almighty.  He ha...