The Best Decision I Have Ever Made

Today I celebrate 32 years of marriage to Ruby Frazier.  She is the love of my life.  Ruby and I got married at 19, totally naive and optimistic about life.  Looking back I can say it was the best decision I have ever made.  I eventually became a man and she a woman.  We grew up together and jointly experienced the changes that adulthood and life brought about in our personalities.  Today we have 4 incredible daughters, a granddaughter on the way, a beautiful home in Riverside, CA and great businesses and careers that we are both passionate about.   

None of this would have been possible without Ruby being a devoted mother, businesswoman and role model for our daughters.  She sacrificed her dreams to make my dreams and our kids’ dreams a reality.  As a family we owe her everything.  We have one more child at home and soon she will be off to college.  Her three older sisters all have MBAs and so the pressure is on.  Ruby has four MBAs under her belt, if you include mine, so our last daughter will be a piece of cake.  Ruby will go back to school in 2014 and realize a dream that has been postponed because of her commitment to motherhood and family.  I hope my kids realize the sacrifices we have made over the years and especially the sacrifices that Ruby has made for them.  She is my Nubian Queen, a fierce Mother and protector of her children and a very successful businesswoman and Real Estate expert.  She deserves all the credit for where we are as a family. 

Marriage is full of ups and downs but I believe the key to staying together is faith in God.  Ruby is perfect and wise beyond her years.  I am imperfect, terribly flawed and lucky to have her as my wife.  She has put up with me only because God is the center of our lives and has kept us together all these years.  No marriage is perfect and relationships are real work.  It doesn’t get easier or harder—it’s just “marriage,” and the challenges just never end because we are all human in a challenging world that keeps us all in a state of change.  As I get older, wiser and more humble by the challenges and circumstances I have faced in life, I realize that we are both the beneficiaries of the grace and providence of God.  It is God that has kept us together and it will be God that keeps us together into the future.  “Until death do us part” is a vow that I made and that I intend to keep until my life has ended.  I love Ruby and I want the whole world to know it. 


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