Farewell to Lucy at the Bower's Museum

I was invited to a special event in Orange County at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana California to meet an incredible woman named Lucy a few weeks ago.  I have had the pleasure of meeting many outstanding women in my life and in fact I am married to one named Ruby, but that's another blog. This woman named Lucy was absolutely amazing.   I have never met anyone like Lucy.  Lucy is from Ethiopia and of course, because she is from Ethiopia I knew that Lucy was not her real name. Her real name is Dinkenesha; which means amazing woman. Now Lucy didn't talk much because she is allegedly 3. 2 million years old and was missing 60% of her skeletal frame with no flesh or hair.  Now I know it is impolite to ask a woman how old she is but these circumstances call for an exception.  Lucy’ skeleton has been lying in state in a glass case at Bowers Museum on loan from the Government of Ethiopia and was sent back to Ethopia on April 28th.

On a serious note, when I saw Lucy at the Bower's Museum I was amazed and bothered at the same time.  I felt like I had stepped back into time to my high school debates (35 years ago) over Darwinism and Creationism.  I loved to debate in high school with students and teachers about Darwinism and Creationism.   My father was a preacher and made me study the bible from a very young age.  I am an apologist of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a defender of the faith which is rooted and ground in the biblical record of how the world and man came into existence and how salvation has been made possible for the world. Anything other than the biblical story of creation is foolishness and denies the existence of God.   Therefore, when I am confronted with open and notorious contradiction to the word of God I am unashamedly defensive and ready to fight.  

I was in awe and skeptical of the skeletal frame of Lucy and her alleged age.  Her skeleton is only forty percent complete and was discovered in Ethiopia by Donald Johanson in 1974. Mr. Johanson estimated Lucy to have stood 3’6 tall and weighing about 50 pounds.   From her size, frame and weight she looked like the skeletal remains of a monkey to me.  But who am I?  I am not a Paleontologist and I may be over simplifying the very complex argument that is being suggested for her humanness, but to me she appears to be a monkey that can walk upright.

I was amazed at the imagination and creativity of the Paleontologist and Scientist who have taken the Darwinian Hypothesis to the highest levels of absurdity I have ever seen to validate their belief system.   A hypothesis is essentially a concept or idea that someone is setting out to prove to be fact.   I am not convinced that the facts are supported by the scientific evidence presented, but I am open to the discussion and debate.   As I walked around the exhibit there were vivid depictions of the evolution of man from monkeys.  There was a picture of a Monkey standing in the water next to alligator that had mangled the monkey’s hand.  Why the Monkey put his hand in the alligator mouth could only prove that the brain of the monkey wasn’t fully developed enough to see that the alligator wasn't a pet and that Monkey’s should not play with wild Alligators with sharp teeth in their habitat.   There were many more absurd scenes depicted on the walls that seem to convey some idea of man’s development.  One very interesting scene was a Monkey standing on a tree limb shaking his fist in air towards the sky.  There was lighting and rain and it appeared that the Monkey may have been in a argument with God about his circumstances. 

I am convinced by science and my faith that man did not evolved from monkeys. I am convince by science and my faith that life did not spring forth from some unexplained chaotic anomaly in the universe billions of years ago when Darkness and Void reign supreme and somehow spontaneously produced this intelligent, sophisticated and highly complex human body with design elements and physiological systems that are too complex for me to set forth in this blog. 

I have not seen such an event in my life time nor do the annuals of history even record such an occurrence where a chaotic explosion has been observed by witnesses, living or dead, produced an intricate designed or life form that has intelligence is self-sustaining and has purpose.    An explosion in a restaurant does not produce a seven course meal or one dish for that matter. A  Hurricane spinning at 100 miles per hour in the ocean and comes on dry land doesn’t assemble houses.    The explosion in Boston, the fertilizer plant explosions in Texas, and disasters all over world have not created anything but destruction of life; not the creation of life.  

Where is Darwin’s theory of evolution happening now?   If evolution has stopped with human beings only why?  What are the scientific reasons for an evolutionary process that was born out of chaos to create life on earth, to come to an orderly end for human beings, but not for microorganism or frogs, lizards or alligators (rhetorical)? Why are there not any monkeys anywhere on earth still evolving into human beings? Can anyone show me any life form that’s on track to becoming a human next year or in a few million years?  I want to try to stick around and see it.  Where is the scientific evolution camp where the process might be still happening and these so called evolved creatures are being release secretly on society?   We have Area 51 where there are allegedly space aliens.  Perhaps there is another department in Area 51 for monkey‘s that are evolving.   The Big Bang theory and Darwin Theory of Evolution are absurd ideas that demonstrate the desperation of atheist to deny the existence of God who is the Creator and designer of everything living thing. 

What bothers me the most is that the schools and museums are force feeding this belief system to our children and calling it science when it is fiction?  I would be satisfied if elementary schools, and high schools had electives under the school of religion just like colleges have and classify it as fiction, religion or philosophy.   I would approve because the theory is not being presented as scientific fact but as a belief system.  Unfortunately, Darwinism and the Big Bang Theory are taught as scientific fact when they should be taught in the School of Region or Philosophy where they belongs; along with Christianity and Judaism and other religions.   Why not take them out of schools completely.   Liberal’s and Atheist had prayer taken out of the schools so why not take Darwinism and Big Bang theory out too.  

I am Christian and believe that God created the heavens, the earth and man and every living creature. I believe God came to earth.  The incarnation or revelation of God was and is the person Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.  To be clear - I believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the promise Messiah, and is the revelation of God to man.  Jesus is God and came to the earth as both God and Man through the immaculate conception of Mary and was born not of the seed of man, but of woman and was both human and divine. I believe that Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb of God to be a sin offering for the world and died for the sins of the world once and for all time sake.   He did not stay in the grave as many believe but He rose from dead after being dead for three days and ascended back to the Heaven and is coming back again.  I believe in Jesus and the Genesis narrative of creation.  My point in sharing this statement of faith is that I believe that God created the heavens and the earth and every living creature in it.  There is no other truth.  Everything opposed to this position is a lie if you are Christian.  This includes the creation of Man in his present form and natural capabilities and every monkey and ape that is still roaming earth today.  

Lucy's existence 3.2 million year ago just proves that the jury is still out on the accuracy of Carbon Dating.  It also proves that an intelligent Designer was at work in creating everything we see today since the beginning of time including Lucy.  What is the most interesting contradiction about Lucy is that she is being promoted as an example of evolution in a country that has the oldest roots of Christianity.  Ethiopia is the home of the Christian Coptic Church.

In conclusion here are the facts as I see it.  Let me know if you agree:

  1. The Big Bang Theory and Darwinism is an assault against Christianity, the bible as the inspired record of creation of the world and mankind by God.  It is a belief system not science or fact.
  2. Man was created from the dust of earth in the beginning of creation according to Isaiah 40:21; Mark 10:6; Luke 11:50; Romans 1:20.
  3. The human family was created in the same week the world was created according to Genesis 1 and Exodus 20:11.
  4. The order of creation:   The earth was created first; the sun came on the fourth day of the first week (Genesis 1:1, 14-16). The stars were created after the earth all in chronological order.
  5. The Big Bang Theory starts with a chaotic explosion and proceeds to this amazing order and intricate design.   The bible teaches that God created the world and designed everything in a beautiful orderly manner.  The world and all life in its very complex forms are a masterpiece of design and intelligence.   But it is degenerating and will all come to an end one day according to Hebrews 1:10-12.
If you didn't get a chance to see Lucy at the Bowers Museum maybe you can catch her in her home town in Ethiopia.  I would love to visit the country one day and learn more about history of the Coptic Church in Ethiopia, and the traditions and culture of the beautiful people that live there.    But, if the Ethiopian government allows Lucy to visit the United States again in the future, I would prefer that she comes back as what she really is – a monkey and not as an impersonator of a human being.   Lucy Exhibit at the Bowers Museum was a hoax and fraud on children and an insult to Christians everywhere.   

The opinions express in this message are my own and do not represent the opinions of PrimeLending, the OC Realtist , the National Association of Real Estate Brokers or any affiliate. For questions and or comments please email eric.frazier@thepowerisnow.com.  


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