Time Management & Change Management - The Power Is Now

I know what you are thinking right now as a real estate professional.  You are saying I am much better than the number of pending and close transactions that I have right now.  I am much better than this.  I am capable of being more productive and better organized.  I would agree with you.  We are all working and planning for the day when our production and productivity truly represents who we are as a real estate or lending professionals.

We cannot forget who we are when faced with adversity or allow our current production level to define who we are.   We are more experienced and talented today as real estate and lending professionals than we have ever been in our past.   Nor do we lack the tools we need to be successful at our companies and in our current environment.  The environment has changed and is changing again and so it incumbent upon us to adapt to the new environment and develop a strategy for success.  We are not strangers to change.  Change has always been the catalyst for so many challenges that we have faced in the past and it will be the same in the future.

Champions embrace change.  They do not run from it they run to it.   This is what champions on a championship team do when faced with adversity or changed.  They adjust and adapt to their circumstances and create and execute on new strategies for success.  This is exactly what our Olympians do when they compete all over the world.  They must adjust to the climate, elevation, water, air and the intense competition they face from all over the world. They come prepared when they arrived but while they are there they must continue to make adjustments in their game plan because of the changing environment and the unknown.  They must be ready and stay ready for change in order to immediately adapt and create new strategies that would allow them to succeed and bring home the gold.

So what is stopping you from making the adjustments that you need to make in your business?  Are you trying to change your environment?  Someone once said the best place for success is right where you are and with what you have.  It is not our environment that needs to change.  We need to become masters of change.  

For many real estate agents the number one thing we need to change is procrastination.   They have a plan, they know what to do, where to do it and how to do it, but they never get to it.  Is that you?  The "Power Is Now" suggests that doing something later as opposed to now may have negative ramifications on your business. Sometimes the ramifications of procrastination may not only cause damage to your reputation as a professional but the perception that others have about you may be irreparable.  The opportunities that you were working and hoping for are now lost because you do not respect time and the fact that the "Power Is Now".

The "Power Is Now" suggest that time is invaluable and cannot be redeemed.  You can name the most expensive precious stone in the world or the most expensive car or home and their combined value wouldn't even move the value meter of time.  If time where money there would not be enough paper to denominate it and man, in all of his wisdom, couldn't create a word that would adequately describe it.  If time took some tangle form there would not be a room large enough to hold it.  Time is not subject to man or space and has infinite value.  Therefore time must be utilized as fast as humanly possible, because the time that is left over can never be used again. Time is not redeemable.

The "Power Is Now" suggests that we must respect time because it has no respect for us. Time  just keeps moving and takes no prisoners.  We cannot control time.  We can only manage it and that requires some basic tools that all of us owned but not many actually used.  So what is stopping you from making the adjustments that you need to make in your business?  I believe the answer is time management and managing change.  Let’s become masters of change and time.  Let’s execute on the plans we have made for success.  Let’s work with a sense of urgency.  Let’s embrace the "Power Is Now".

Have an awesome day today.  It’s your decision.


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